LARP Weapons Part 4: Merchants

LARP swords that are functional and beautifully crafted

Introduction - Why a Blog About LARP Weapons

Welcome to the 4th blog in our series about LARP weapons. Weapons are very integral to LARPing, which is why more than a year ago, we began researching and writing. The goal of our blogs is always to provide something meaningful to the LARP community and to build our own knowledge. Writing 4 blogs (after lots of research) most definitely does not make me an expert, but I hope it's been as entertaining and nostalgic for you as it has been for me.


If you missed any of the previous blogs, please check them out. We’d love to hear from you about your favorite LARP weapon stories.


The Blog Series

  • PART 1: Types of Weapons - In this blog, we describe weapons and armor, categorize them by type, and reference where they may be used by different LARPs. (MAR 2024)
  • PART 2: History of LARPing Weapons - We take you back to the late 1980s and early 90s and trace the changes in LARP weapons over time. (AUG 2024)
  • PART 3: Weapon Making - This blog will talk about the materials and process of making a weapon. (NOV 2024)
  • PART 4: Merchants - In our final blog, we will provide a list of top merchants where you can purchase weapons, an evaluation of their offerings and websites, and testimonials or feedback we have gathered from our interactions with LARPers over the course of our interviews. (JAN 2025)

In blog 4, we feature B3 Imagination Studios. They specialize in ultra-light swords. Gen Becker gave us a tour of the workshop facility in South Grafton, Massachusetts, and sat down over a pizza and liquid refreshments to discuss LARPing and her 25+ years working in the foam industry and inventing LARP products. I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoyed researching and writing it.



Weapon Merchants

There are many individuals and small companies that make LARP swords. We’ve previously featured 3 LARPers who have created niche businesses catering to their LARP communities; Darkmor Forge in Michigan, Uncharted Fabrications in Georgia, and Smith Forge Studios in Connecticut. 


We are now pivoting to larger companies that specialize in producing LARP Weapons on a larger scale. In our first blog in this series, we summarized many weapon types. These websites were used to validate the type of historical weapons that were used as inspiration for LARPers. For this blog, we performed an assessment of each merchant's product offerings, pricing, and the sales experience based on their websites.


The results of the assessment are not just my opinion. I asked others for feedback, ratings, and recommendations so that the summary would be more objective than subjective. The evaluators included LARPers and non-LARPers, weapon makers, and non-weapon makers. We hope the following summary is helpful to you in your next weapon purchase.


Who Was Included:

  • B3 Imagination Studio is a key US vendor of LARP weapons located in Massachusetts. They make ultra-light foam weapons for Live Action Role Playing games.
  • Calimacil is located in Sherbrooke, QC, Canada. They make and sell high-end LARP and historical re-enactment foam weapons.
  • Mytholon is located in Germany and works through a distributor; Medieval Collectibles in the US.
  • Epic Armory designs, manufactures, and distributes their products for historical re-enactment, live-action role-playing, and entertainment productions. Their US warehousing and operations are located in Louisville, KY.
  • Ateliers Nemesis is also located in the province of Quebec, Canada. They specialize in innovative, high-quality, and custom-made products for the LARP, cosplay, and immersive experience communities.

Company Overview





















# Of Staff












Merchant  Type


Design and Manufacturing


Design & Man.

Distributor in US


Design & Man.

Distributor in US


Design & Man.

Distributor in US


Design & Man.

Distributor in US


Product Types


Weapons and    Armor


Weapons, Armor, Costumes & Accessories


Weapons, Armor, Accessories, Costumes


Weapons, Armor, Accessories, Costumes


Weapons, Armor, Accessories, Costumes Supplies for DIY


Off-the-Shelf/  Customized






Off the Shelf


Off the Shelf




Price Range:

Standard  Swords












Shipping TAT

1 In Stock

2 Modified

3 Custom

4 Pre-order


 1.  2-3 days

 2.  1-2 wks*

 3.  4-6 wks*


 1.  4-12 days

 4.  2-12 wks



 1.  2-3 days


1.  1-2 days


1.  7-14 days

4.  4-36 wks


The Buying Experience

We noted that several of the companies distribute products from other companies in addition to those that they design and manufacture themselves.



Website Assessment

  Website Organization






  Website Navigation






  Descriptions & Photos






  Ease to find Item






  Ease to place an   order






  Ease to understand   total costs







What Customers Say

We evaluated customer feedback and summarized the top themes.





Positive Themes


Constructive Themes


  • Good Value for price
  • Durability
  • Safety
  • Less realistic than latex
  • Price

  • Durability
  • Quality
  • Appearance
  • Delivery TAT
  • Quality
  • Price
  • Delivery TAT;
  • Customer Service

  • Options
  • Price
  • Delivery TAT
  • Quality
  • Delivery Time
  • Customer Service

  • Quality
  • Customer Service
  • Durability

  • Quality
  • Price
  • Customer Service
  • Quality
  • Price
  • Delivery TAT


A Special Merchant Story - B3 Imagination Studios



Our featured merchant in this month’s blog is B3 Imagination Studios (an Adventurer's Outlet business) commonly referred to as B3. They are located in South Grafton, Massachusetts, and owned by Gen Becker. Gen is a long-term LARPer who has also owned a LARP (Atlas LARP 2002-2005). I’ve known her since my early days LARPing at NERO Ravenholt and we staffed together at Wildlands 1993-1997. She is the inventor of numerous LARP products and has been designing and building weapons for more than 30 years. You can find B3 at Website and on Facebook.


Gen started Adventure’s Outlet in 1996 and since moving into a dedicated workshop facility and starting the brand B3 in 2017. She’s made tens of thousands of weapons and parts. In 2018, Gen was granted a US utility patent for the B3 bow.



I met with Gen last month to learn about B3 and get a tour of the facility. It was so much larger than I expected and the equipment was impressive. We reminisced about the changes in weapons materials since we first met. Gen discussed material and technique changes and the different types of foam she uses today. She described the “buns” she buys today and how carbon fiber rods are more common but more expensive and that she still uses fiberglass tubes.



B3 uses computers to design but also to operate several machines like the water jet cutter monstrosity (seen below), Table router, and massive band saw. Gen explained that the workshop had once been a bowling alley, the floor alternates from concrete to wooden alleys and that it was later used for manufacturing so the dust control ducting you see in the photo was already in place when she moved in. She showed me some proprietary machines she has designed and built for shaping blades.



Gen shared how business was impacted by Covid and how much she loves attending Bicolline in Canada. As a non-fighter, her storytelling about Bicolline was almost enough to make me want to join the Voyage North myself. One of the most interesting things I learned over dinner was that while they are competitors, many of the weapon makers we are evaluating work together, by providing weapons and parts to each other.


In 2024, B3’s business was driven 50/50% from their website versus direct and 90% of their business came from previous customers. While the business used to be quite seasonal it was more balanced in 2023-2024. That balance came from orders for new LARPs. Their busiest months are June and July as the team prepares for Bicolline where Gen fulfills orders for LARPers there.


Since I have known Gen, she has been known as the subject matter expert for weapon innovation and advocating for player safety. So, it was humorous to hear about the time when someone who did not know who she was tried to confiscate her weapon for a “safety issue”. 


B3’s mission statement on their websites say they want to “provide the best equipment so you can be the best LARPer you can be!” They promote that they have the lightest weapons on the market with the slogan “light wins fight”.


In 2023, B3 announced 3 lines of business:  

  1. Ready for Battle/Off the Rack - weapons that are in stock and ready to ship. There is no customization available    
  2. Customizable - weapons where the buyer can change the 2 most commonly modified parts of a weapon; the length and color of the blade 
  3. From the Forge - weapons that are truly unique, built from scratch. The weapon is completely customizable.

Ready for Battle






From the Forge



Gen says B3 marketing efforts are limited and that the company focuses mostly on social media and relies heavily on word of mouth. I reviewed the B3 Facebook page and thought I’d end with sharing this ad that touched my sense of humor.




This blog took a deeper look at today’s internet weapon buying experience. We explored some of the most popular vendors' websites and rated our experience. We also shared details about our visit and facility tour with Gen Becker of B3 Imagination Studios. The photos are examples of B3’s workshop and the incredible weapons the team produces.  


Call to Action

Check out all of the websites, especially B3 and let us know what you think. If you are or know of a LARP Weapons merchant, have a great weapon story to share, or have any feedback about this article we’d love to hear from you, please reach out to


If you are a game owner or thinking about starting a game, let LARP Portal simplify your administrative processes and give you and your players more time for LARPing. Contact us at today for a free demo. 



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